- Chinese Herbal Formulations
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- Poria 5 Formula - Golden Flower Brand - Consultation Required
Poria 5 Formula - Golden Flower Brand - Consultation Required
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This product is in-stock, but cannot be sold to new customers without a consultation first taking place. Please click here to set up a free consultation for this product.
Alismatis Rhizoma (Asian Water Plantain / Ze Xie) 32.4%
Poria (Poria, Hoelen, Tuckahoe / Fu Ling) 18.5%
Polyporus (Polyporus Sclerotium / Zhu Ling) 18.5%
Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma (White Atractylodes Rhizome / Bai Zhu) 18.5%
Cinnamomi Ramulus (Cassia, Cinnamon Twig / Gui Zhi) 12.1%
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