- Digestion - Products used to relieve digestive symptoms.
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- DetoxiFiber
Special Detoxification Fiber Blend
DetoxiFiber contains a whole food based blend of soluble and insoluble fiber that you can take each day to give your body the fiber it needs to support healthy cleansing.
DetoxiFiber contains a special combination of dietary fibers specifically selected for their exceptional absorbing ability, and their resistance to degradation by normal intestinal flora, so the toxins absorbed by the fiber are less prone to being re-released and re-absorbed into the body. No additional toxins or chemicals are introduced while using Organic Daily Fiber™ since the fibers included are organic.
Adults mix 1 scoop (10 g) of DetoxiFiber powder with 8 oz of water or no sugar added juice. May be taken with or without food. Not intended for children.